
The Massachusetts Beverage Association acts as a liaison between industry and state government.

The Massachusetts Beverage Association acts as a liaison between industry and state government. MassBev engages with elected and appointed officials, state government personnel, industry stakeholders, and other thought leaders to promote awareness of the industry and to provide insight and feedback on a variety of issues.

MassBev provides an opportunity for fierce competitors in the marketplace to collaborate and speak with a consistent voice for industry.

While the MBA engages on a number of issues, recycling policy has been a priority since the inception of the association. MassBev supports common sense improvements to our recycling and litter laws, and we remain actively engaged in the legislative process.

Now, more than ever, our members are interested in policies that will help them capture and recycle more bottles and cans. With recycled content goals on the horizon, bottlers need more containers back to generate the recycled material needed to meet those goals.

We believe the overwhelming majority of residents in Massachusetts agree with us and want to recycle as much as they can. However, they also demand this be done in a smart, convenient manner as evidenced by the results of a 2014 ballot question to expand the bottle deposit law (No 73% - Yes 27%).

MassBeverage remains committed to working with legislators, regulators, industry stakeholdersand non-governmental organizations on common sense policies that will reduce, litter, increase recycling and take steps toward a more sustainable Commonwealth.

2014 Ballot Questions Documents

Expand Bottle Bill

Cover Letter Ballot Results